Connection Pooling using Jetty, in Oracle Connection Pooling using Jetty, in Oracle oracle oracle

Connection Pooling using Jetty, in Oracle

You have 3 ways to do it:

  1. If you are using maven or gradle in your project simply add commons-pool dependency to your pom.xml or build.gradle file (recommended way)
  2. If you are not using one of the mentioned tools place correct jar in the WEB-INF/lib directory
  3. The last one is to place jar in ${jettyHome}/lib directory

Make sure that you are using correct version of the commons-pool for your current commons-dbcp implementation

you don't you just use tomcat instead. find it here :)Note that jetty is only well to be used when you need to make local app development easier. suggest you start reading up the basics for tomcat and as you begin to gain a basic understanding of how things work, you should start implementing Connection Pooling :) Hope this helps.

For Jetty 10.x you could resolve it in the following way,

  1. Enable ext module -> java -jar start.jar --add-modules=ext
  2. In $JETTY_BASE/start.d/ext.ini will get created after execution of 1)
  3. Place your oralce jdbc jar file in location $JETTY_HOME/lib/ext/
  4. Again start your application -> java -jar start.jar