Consuming WCF service from Oracle Consuming WCF service from Oracle oracle oracle

Consuming WCF service from Oracle

When you get a Http 500 error it is normally an internal error. For example that the developer is calling your service without setting all the input values, your code could then generate a divide by zero error, which when not caught is returned to the client as a http 500 error.

You can configure the soap version of a WCF service to be the same as an asmx service.

If you are getting response 500 (internal error) from WCF service, try set in web.config of WCF service includeexceptiondetailinfaults=true .(

Then you will get detailed exception (wrong soap action, wrong format...)

Call WCF service from PL/SQL.

utl_http but it works.

/*     declare  p_request VARCHAR(32767);  p_plainResult VARCHAR2(32767);  begin    p_request := '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:tem="">   <soapenv:Header/>   <soapenv:Body>      <tem:Sum>         <tem:a>1</tem:a>         <tem:b>2</tem:b>      </tem:Sum>   </soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>';select callSOAPService(p_request,'','http://localhost:51106/MathService.svc') into p_plainResult from dual;        end;  */create or replace function callSOAPService (   p_plainRequest IN varchar2(20000), p_actionName IN varchar2(1024), --SOAP Action ( in WCF, attribute [OperationContract(Action="ActionName") p_url IN varchar2(1024),   p_userName varchar2(1024) := null,  p_password varchar2(1024) := null,  p_isAsynchronous boolean:= FALSE,  p_proxy varchar2(1024):=null,  p_transferTimeout number :=null,)RETURN VARCHAR2(32767)IS  p_charset varchar2(1024) :='AL32UTF8'; --by default utf-8    p_request utl_http.req;  p_response utl_http.resp;  p_plainResponse varchar2(32767);BEGIN   p_url := utl_url.escape(url => p_url); --escape url   if p_TransferTimeout > 0 THEN --set oracle timeout ( by defualt is 60 sec )     utl_http.set_transfer_timeout(timeout => p_transferTimeout);   END IF;   if p_proxy IS NOT NULL THEN --if proxy is provided, then set it     utl_http.set_proxy(proxy => p_proxy);   end if;    utl_http.set_response_error_check(enable => TRUE); --http status errorCheck ( 404 not found, 500 internal error...)    utl_http.set_detailed_excp_support(enable => TRUE); --detailed error stack    p_request := UTL_HTTP.begin_request(url => p_url,method => 'POST' /*u SOAP bude vzdy POST meotda*/ ,http_version => 'HTTP/1.1');    --pripravim si obalku    UTL_HTTP.set_header (r => p_request,name =>  'Content-Type', value => 'text/xml');     UTL_HTTP.set_header (r => p_request,name =>  'Content-Length',value =>  LENGTH (p_plainRequest));    UTL_HTTP.set_header (r => p_request, name => 'SOAPAction',value => p_actionName); --if status is 500 check SOAP action    UTL_HTTP.write_text(r => p_request,data => p_plainRequest);    p_response := UTL_HTTP.get_response (p_request);    if p_isAsynchronous THEN --one-way service      UTL_HTTP.end_response (p_response); --proto ukoncim request a vratim prazdno      RETURN '';     end if;   utl_http.read_text (p_response, p_plainResponse); --read response   utl_http.end_response (p_response); --close resposne   dbms_output.put_line ('Response from: ' || p_url || ' is ' || p_plainResponse); --vypisu odpoved pro kontrolu      return p_plainResponse;   EXCEPTION    when others then              dbms_output.put_line('Chyba ' || UTL_HTTP.get_detailed_sqlerrm()); --get error stack        utl_http.end_response (p_response);END;