Convert Int32 to Oracle number(5) with EF4 Convert Int32 to Oracle number(5) with EF4 oracle oracle

Convert Int32 to Oracle number(5) with EF4

I found how to remove the error.

I edited the edmx file in xml mode, found my field in the ssdl section :

<Property Name="SIT_INSEE" Type="number" Precision="5" />

I removed the Precision="5" and the warning disappeared.

Just to add my two cents in case anyone else is having similar problems. I noticed if you add the following to mappings in web.config and then recreate the edmx model from scratch (delete it and re-generate from database) it resolves some of these issues. Where simply adding the values to web.config resolved nothing (probably re-generating some of the code behind the scenes would be my guess).

  <oracle.dataaccess.client>    <settings>      <add name="int32" value="edmmapping number(9,0)" />    </settings>  </oracle.dataaccess.client>