Convert JSON format String into array in HIVE Convert JSON format String into array in HIVE oracle oracle

Convert JSON format String into array in HIVE

You can start with this:

select concat(‘{“name”’,data_json) from your_table q1 --re-construct your jsonlateral view explode(split(json_data,’{“name”’)) json_splits as data_json --split json at each {"name" tag into array and then explode

Note: I code is not tested as I don't have access to hive currently. This should definitely give you a good start OR you can always go with Hive SerDe for JSON com.cloudera.hive.serde.JSONSerDe

As suggested by @ruben123, go with Hive SerDe for JSON especially when your json is complex. There are several JSONSerDe available, eg. com.cloudera.hive.serde.JSONSerDe, link

Make sure json is properly formatted, one line json for one record. So, your json should be:

{"name":"abc", "address":{"street":"str1", "city":"c1"}, "phone":"1234567"}{"name":"def", "address":{"street":"str2", "city":"c1"}, "phone":"7145895"} 

Create hive table:

CREATE TABLE sample_json (   name STRING,   address STRUCT<     street: STRING,     city: STRING>,   phone INT )ROW FORMAT SERDE ''LOCATION '/your/hdfs/directory';

To select access field, simply

select name, address.street,, phone from sample_json;abc   str1  c1  1234567def   str2  c1  7145895

Note: if JSONSerDe is not installed yet, you must run ADD JAR