Create a Sequence with START WITH from Query Create a Sequence with START WITH from Query oracle oracle

Create a Sequence with START WITH from Query

The START WITH CLAUSE accepts an integer. You can form the "Create sequence " statement dynamically and then execute it using execute immediate to achieve this.

declare    l_new_seq INTEGER;begin   select max(id) + 1   into   l_new_seq   from   test_table;    execute immediate 'Create sequence test_seq_2                       start with ' || l_new_seq ||                       ' increment by 1';end;/

Check out these links.

Here I have my example which works just fine:

declare ex number;begin  select MAX(MAX_FK_ID)  + 1 into ex from TABLE;  If ex > 0 then    begin            execute immediate 'DROP SEQUENCE SQ_NAME';      exception when others then        null;    end;    execute immediate 'CREATE SEQUENCE SQ_NAME INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH ' || ex || ' NOCYCLE CACHE 20 NOORDER';  end if;end;