Create an Excel File (.xlsx) using PL/SQL Create an Excel File (.xlsx) using PL/SQL oracle oracle

Create an Excel File (.xlsx) using PL/SQL

I've seen a package called as_xlsx by Anton Scheffer, Create an Excel-file with PL/SQL and it addressed my problem.I also modified it a bit to put in Worksheet Names and to allow SYS_REFCURSOR as a Parameter instead of a VARCHAR2 as required in my Previous Post (Return the SQL Statement of an Explicit Cursor).

I added this in the Package Specification for Procedure Overloading:

procedure query2sheet( p_cur             IN OUT      SYS_REFCURSOR, p_column_headers  boolean     := true, p_directory       varchar2    := null, p_filename        varchar2    := null, p_sheet           pls_integer := null, p_sheetname       varchar2    := null);

I added this in the Package Body for Procedure Overloading (note: the line comments were lines I modified):

procedure query2sheet( p_cur IN OUT SYS_REFCURSOR, p_column_headers boolean := true, p_directory varchar2 := null, p_filename  varchar2 := null, p_sheet     pls_integer := null, p_sheetname varchar2 := null)is    t_sheet     pls_integer;    t_c         integer;    t_col_cnt   integer;    t_desc_tab2 dbms_sql.desc_tab2;    t_desc_tab  dbms_sql.desc_tab;    d_tab       dbms_sql.date_table;    n_tab       dbms_sql.number_table;    v_tab       dbms_sql.varchar2_table;    t_bulk_size pls_integer := 200;    t_r         integer;    t_cur_row   pls_integer;    t_d         number;begin    -- Changed    if p_sheetname is not null then        new_sheet(p_sheetname);          else        new_sheet;    end if;    -- End of Change    --t_c := dbms_sql.open_cursor;                           --dbms_sql.parse( t_c, p_sql, dbms_sql.native );    t_d := DBMS_SQL.TO_CURSOR_NUMBER(p_cur);    --dbms_sql.describe_columns2( t_c, t_col_cnt, t_desc_tab );    dbms_sql.describe_columns( t_d, t_col_cnt, t_desc_tab );    for c in 1 .. t_col_cnt    loop        if p_column_headers        then        cell( c, 1, t_desc_tab( c ).col_name, p_sheet => t_sheet );        end if;        --dbms_output.put_line( t_desc_tab( c ).col_name || ' ' || t_desc_tab( c ).col_type );        case        when t_desc_tab( c ).col_type in ( 2, 100, 101 )        then            --dbms_sql.define_array( t_c, c, n_tab, t_bulk_size, 1 );            dbms_sql.define_array( t_d, c, n_tab, t_bulk_size, 1 );        when t_desc_tab( c ).col_type in ( 12, 178, 179, 180, 181 , 231 )        then            --dbms_sql.define_array( t_c, c, d_tab, t_bulk_size, 1 );            dbms_sql.define_array( t_d, c, d_tab, t_bulk_size, 1 );        when t_desc_tab( c ).col_type in ( 1, 8, 9, 96, 112 )        then            --dbms_sql.define_array( t_c, c, v_tab, t_bulk_size, 1 );            dbms_sql.define_array( t_d, c, v_tab, t_bulk_size, 1 );        else            null;        end case;    end loop;    --    t_cur_row := case when p_column_headers then 2 else 1 end;    t_sheet := nvl( p_sheet, workbook.sheets.count() );    --    --t_r := dbms_sql.execute( t_c );    loop        --t_r := dbms_sql.fetch_rows( t_c );        t_r := dbms_sql.fetch_rows( t_d );        if t_r > 0        then        for c in 1 .. t_col_cnt        loop            case            when t_desc_tab( c ).col_type in ( 2, 100, 101 )            then                --dbms_sql.column_value( t_c, c, n_tab );                dbms_sql.column_value( t_d, c, n_tab );                for i in 0 .. t_r - 1                loop                if n_tab( i + n_tab.first() ) is not null                then                    cell( c, t_cur_row + i, n_tab( i + n_tab.first() ), p_sheet => t_sheet );                end if;                end loop;                n_tab.delete;            when t_desc_tab( c ).col_type in ( 12, 178, 179, 180, 181 , 231 )            then                --dbms_sql.column_value( t_c, c, d_tab );                dbms_sql.column_value( t_d, c, d_tab );                for i in 0 .. t_r - 1                loop                if d_tab( i + d_tab.first() ) is not null                then                    cell( c, t_cur_row + i, d_tab( i + d_tab.first() ), p_sheet => t_sheet );                end if;                end loop;                d_tab.delete;            when t_desc_tab( c ).col_type in ( 1, 8, 9, 96, 112 )            then                --dbms_sql.column_value( t_c, c, v_tab );                dbms_sql.column_value( t_d, c, v_tab );                for i in 0 .. t_r - 1                loop                if v_tab( i + v_tab.first() ) is not null                then                    cell( c, t_cur_row + i, v_tab( i + v_tab.first() ), p_sheet => t_sheet );                end if;                end loop;                v_tab.delete;            else                null;            end case;        end loop;        end if;        exit when t_r != t_bulk_size;        t_cur_row := t_cur_row + t_r;    end loop;    --dbms_sql.close_cursor( t_c );    dbms_sql.close_cursor( t_d );    if ( p_directory is not null and  p_filename is not null )    then        save( p_directory, p_filename );    end if;exceptionwhen othersthen    --if dbms_sql.is_open( t_c )    if dbms_sql.is_open( t_d )    then    --dbms_sql.close_cursor( t_c );    dbms_sql.close_cursor( t_d );    end if;end query2sheet;

This is a Sample Block in my Concurrent Request that Creates the File:

Procedure EMP_ROSTER_REPORT (p_empno        per_all_people_f.employee_number%type                                                         , p_bg_id        per_business_groups.business_group_id%type                           , p_email_add    per_all_people_f.email_address%type)is    l_fh            UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;    l_directory     VARCHAR2(30) := 'EXT_TAB_DATA';    l_filename      VARCHAR2(100);    emp_cur         SYS_REFCURSOR;    l_message       varchar2(100);    g_stage         varchar2(100);    g_zipped_blob   blob;    cursor  p_payroll_cur is    select  payroll_id        ,   payroll_name        ,   business_group_id    from    pay_all_payrolls_f    where   business_group_id = p_bg_id;BEGIN    -----------------------------------    g_stage := 'setting the filename';    -----------------------------------    l_filename := 'EMPLOYEE_ROSTER_REPORT_'||TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'DD-MON-YYYY-HHMISS');    ------------------------------------------    g_stage := 'Assigning Emp SysRefCursor';    ------------------------------------------    for i in p_payroll_cur loop        OPEN emp_cur FOR        SELECT  'extra long query here with parameters'        from    table_a        where   payroll_id = i.payroll_id;        ----------------------------------------------------------        g_stage := 'open Employee Cursor and write into the File';        ----------------------------------------------------------        as_xlsx.query2sheet( p_cur          => emp_cur            -- Uses Sys_RefCursor Instead of Dynamic SQL (Varchar2)                           , p_sheetname    => i.payroll_name);   -- This is where we assign the Sheet Names                 as_xlsx.freeze_pane( 1,1 );                               -- Freeze the topmost and rightmost pane in the Excel Sheet    end loop;    ------------------------------    g_stage := 'Create the File';    ------------------------------ l_directory , l_filename||'.xlsx');END EMP_ROSTER_REPORT;

Hope this helps someone! :)

If you need to produce XLSX file and send it to business users it sounds rather like a job for some services outside DB. You should prepare procedure that returns ref cursor with conten of report and then setup some service that consume data generate PDF or XLSX and send it.

If you can't do it outside DB you can still use Java inside Oracle. You can create Java procedure that will create XLSX. Here is an example of Java creating Excel file. But creating complicated Java procedure is not the best solution and probably will need you to install some jars on DB server so I would create procedure that returns ref cursor with data and small program that creates file and send it outside DB.

There is no support for xls or xlsx files in Oracle database as such.

What you can do is create CSV (Comma Separated) file and then, compress it into a zip file using a custom java stored procedure which uses, or a PL/SQL procedure that uses UTL_COMPRESS.