display select results inside anonymous block display select results inside anonymous block oracle oracle

display select results inside anonymous block

You can try with this, to print your result easily:

declareyour_variable varchar2(19);BEGINDBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('init..'); FOR x IN (SELECT      your_column                 FROM you_table                 where rownum<2             order by 1)   LOOP      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(x.your_column);   END LOOP;END;

In order to return the value of the select it needs to be selected into a container (a reference cursor or REF CURSOR). In your Declare you should include ref_cursor_out SYS_REFCURSOR;and change your select to:

select * into ref_cursor_out ...

In SQL Developer there is an option (I am a Toad user, so I forget where in SD) that tells the IDE to load the result set into a grid to view.

[edit: per comment from @DCookie, Thanks for the catch!]

For oracle 12c or higher

declare    rfc sys_refcursor; begin    open rfc for select * from table;    dbms_sql.return_result(rfc);end;