Distance from maximum value for each distance Distance from maximum value for each distance oracle oracle

Distance from maximum value for each distance

select dst, val,        max(case when flag is null then dst end) over (order by dst)          as first_occurrencefrom   (         select dst, val,                 case when val <= max(val) over (order by dst                              rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding)                then 1 end as flag         from tmp_maxval       )order by dst;       DST        VAL FIRST_OCCURRENCE---------- ---------- ----------------         1          3                1         2          2                1         3          1                1         4          2                1         5          4                5         6          2                5         7          2                5         8          5                8         9          5                8        10          1                8

Or, if you are on Oracle version 12.1 or higher, MATCH_RECOGNIZE can do quick work of this assignment:

select dst, val, first_occurrencefrom   tmp_maxval tmatch_recognize(  order by dst  measures a.dst as first_occurrence  all rows per match  pattern  (a x*)  define   x as val <= a.val)order by dst;

You could use either max() or min() combined with case when:

select t.*,        min(case when val = mv then dst end) over (partition by mv order by dst) v1,       max(case when val = mv then dst end) over (partition by mv order by dst) v2  from (select t.*, max(val) over (order by dst) mv from tmp_maxval t) t   order by dst


       DST        VAL         MV         V1         V2---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------         1          3          3          1          1         2          2          3          1          1         3          1          3          1          1         4          2          3          1          1         5          4          4          5          5         6          2          4          5          5         7          2          4          5          5         8          5          5          8          8         9          5          5          8          9        10          1          5          8          9

Explained logic and words first occurence suggest that you need min(), but third row in your example suggest max() ;-) In data which you provided you can observe difference in rows 9-10. Choose what you want.

You can get the maximum value using a cumulative max:

select mv.*, max(mv.value) over (order by mv.distance) as max_valuefrom ap_risk.tmp_maxval mv;

I think this answers your question. If you want the distance itself:

select mv.*,       min(case when max_value = value then distance end) over (order by distance) as first_distance_at_max_valuefrom (select mv.*, max(mv.value) over (order by mv.distance) as max_value      from ap_risk.tmp_maxval mv     ) mv;