drop index or constraint without knowing its name for Oracle drop index or constraint without knowing its name for Oracle oracle oracle

drop index or constraint without knowing its name for Oracle

Your original version is mostly fine, except that you can't directly execute DDL in a PL/SQL block; rather, you have to wrap it in an EXECUTE IMMEDIATE:

execute immediate 'alter table MY_TABLE_NAME drop constraint "' || fName || '"';

This would be true even if the constraint-name were known at compile-time, but it's doubly true in your case, since fName isn't the constraint-name, but rather, a variable containing the constraint-name.

Also, this:

if (fName != '') THEN

is not valid/meaningful, since in Oracle '' means NULL. You should write



This is how to drop all constraints typed "R" for a column:

begin    FOR rec IN (SELECT x.constraint_name fName FROM all_constraints x        JOIN all_cons_columns c ON        c.table_name = x.table_name AND c.constraint_name = x.constraint_name        WHERE x.table_name = 'MY_TABLE_NAME' AND x.constraint_type = 'R' AND c.column_name ='MY_COLUMN_NAME')    LOOP        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE MY_TABLE_NAME DROP CONSTRAINT "' || rec.fName || '"';    END LOOP;end;