EF + ODP.NET: The specified value is not an instance of type 'Edm.Decimal' EF + ODP.NET: The specified value is not an instance of type 'Edm.Decimal' oracle oracle

EF + ODP.NET: The specified value is not an instance of type 'Edm.Decimal'

Trying changing the definition of your Id column from Int32 to Decimal. I've had this problem several times and I think that fixed it.

public class Parent {    Decimal Id { get; set; }    string Data { get; set; }}public class Child {    Decimal Id { get; set; }    Parent Parent { get; set; }}

Installing .Net 4.5 should fix this problem as identified on this Microsoft forum. I experienced the same issue were the calls worked fine on a dev machine but failed in production and, even though my project was targeting .net 4, installing .net 4.5 solved the issue.