Extract whole schema from oracle database to another (java) (automation) Extract whole schema from oracle database to another (java) (automation) oracle oracle

Extract whole schema from oracle database to another (java) (automation)

Have you considered Oracle Data Pump? With it you can export data and/or schema metadata from one database and import it into another. There is a command line interface and a PL/SQL API.

There is the liquibase runner plugin. Have you tried that?

Alternatively, you could install liquibase on the jenkins build agent and just execute it as a command line tool.

You might be not need to have plugin for Jenkins but simple Gradle task to run in Jenkinsfile.I use Gradle plugin with config like:

task updateSQL(type: JavaExec) {    group = "Liquibase"    classpath configurations.liquibase    main = "liquibase.integration.commandline.Main"    args "--changeLogFile=***/changelog-current.xml"    args ****}

This valid for plugin: 'net.saliman:gradle-liquibase-plugin:XXX'