Fastest way to find Quotient by Dividing two Number Fastest way to find Quotient by Dividing two Number oracle oracle

Fastest way to find Quotient by Dividing two Number

What you want to do is pretty much the definition of "modulo arithmetic". If the built-in arithmetic in your database can't do the calculation fast enough, I'm not sure what you could do to improve that short of writing your own database engine or buying higher-powered hardware.

Is the problem really the speed of the arithmetic, or is it record retrieval or indexing? I mean, if you're saying something like:

select ... whatever ... from table1 join table2 using (someid)where (table1.q / table2.d) % 10 = 4

and you don't have an index on the function (table1.q / table2.d ) % 10, this would require the db to read every record, perform the calculation, and then pick out those that give the right answer. Your problem might not be arithmetic, but indexing.