Finding Data Pump Dump Location in 12c Finding Data Pump Dump Location in 12c oracle oracle

Finding Data Pump Dump Location in 12c

Use the following sql query.

select * from dba_directories where directory_name='DATA_PUMP_DIR';

Oracle will let you create a directory metadata entry to a non-existant physical directory which is what happened here. So whatever user has CREATE ANY DICTIONARY authority would need to (re-)create the Oracle metadata directory to an existing directory, and ensure the operating system permissions on the physical directory are set up to allow the Oracle user ID to read and write to that directory. As @OldProgrammer suggested, it looks like someone combined half Unix and half Windows path separators.

If there is a directory c:\ade\aime_v\oracle\admin\seeddata\dpdump (and your dump file is there) then the following should work; if you are importing from a non-dba ID (some_user in the sample below), you will need to have the dba grant read on that directory also:

drop directory data_pump_dir;create directory data_pump_dir as 'c:\ade\aime_v\oracle\admin\seeddata\dpdump';-- grant read on data_pump_dir to some_user;