Firebird Create function TRANSLATE as in Oracle Firebird Create function TRANSLATE as in Oracle oracle oracle

Firebird Create function TRANSLATE as in Oracle

The main problem is that you have declared position1 as a VARCHAR(100) instead of as an INTEGER. This leads to the unhelpful error here as there is no substring version that takes a varchar parameter (and in this context conversion from varchar to integer is not supported).

A working (or at least: compiling) version of your function is:

CREATE OR ALTER FUNCTION TRANSLATE_func   (text varchar(10000),     toReplace varchar(10000),     replacePattern varchar(10000))RETURNS VARCHAR(100)AS   declare variable resultat varchar(100);   declare variable cut varchar(100);   declare variable i integer;   declare variable position1  integer;   declare variable letter  varchar(100);   declare variable lenght integer;BEGIN   i = 1;   resultat ='';   lenght =  char_length(text);   while(i <= lenght) do   begin       cut = substring(text from i for 1);       position1 = position(cut, toReplace);       if (position1 > 0) then       begin           letter = substring(replacePattern from position1 for 1);           resultat = resultat||''||letter;       end       else        begin           resultat = resultat ||''|| cut;       end       i = i+1;   end   return resultat;END

For Firebird 3

SET TERM ^ ;create function translator (    inp varchar(10000),    pat varchar(1000),    rep varchar(1000))returns varchar(10000)as    declare variable tex varchar(10000);    declare variable inp_idx integer = 1;    declare variable cha char(1);    declare variable pos integer;begin  tex = '';  while (inp_idx <= char_length(inp)) do  begin    cha = substring(inp from inp_idx for 1);    pos = position(cha, pat);    if (pos > 0) then      cha = substring(rep from pos for 1);    tex = tex || cha;    inp_idx = inp_idx + 1;  end  return tex;end^SET TERM ; ^


select translator('džiná lasaí ireo dana kýrne číraž', 'ážíýč', 'AZIYC')  from rdb$database;


dZinA lasaI ireo dana kYrne CIraZ