Forcing Entity Framework to not generate NCLOB's when building Linq-to-Sql Code (Model First) Forcing Entity Framework to not generate NCLOB's when building Linq-to-Sql Code (Model First) oracle oracle

Forcing Entity Framework to not generate NCLOB's when building Linq-to-Sql Code (Model First)

I have the same problem with Oracle (Oracle 11.2.02 and Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.12.2.1100) and Entity Framework (EntityFramework.6.1.3).

This inside Linq code (the property "Id" is integer):


Generates this SQL:

(CASE WHEN ("Extent3"."Material_Id" IS NULL) THEN N'' ELSE TO_NCLOB("Extent3"."Material_Id") END)

And the problem is TO_NCLOB, it should be TO_NCHAR

JonathanPeel comment
Install-Package EntityFramework.Functions