Generating incremental numeric column values during INSERT SELECT statement Generating incremental numeric column values during INSERT SELECT statement oracle oracle

Generating incremental numeric column values during INSERT SELECT statement

You can use ROWNUM. This pseudo-column numbers the rows in your result:

Insert Into new_table (new_col, copied_col1, copied_col2)    Select Rownum, old_col1, old_col2    From old_table;

If you want your records to be sorted, you need to use a sub-query:

Insert Into new_table (new_col, copied_col1, copied_col2)    Select Rownum, old_col1, old_col2    From (        Select old_col1, old_col2        From old_table        Order By old_col1    );

Why don't you define the column new_col as primary_key or unique and mark it as autoincrement?This way each insert will get the next higher "count".

I'm not pretty familiar with oracle, but i would bet there is a built in autoincrement function.