Get started link does not work in oracle 11g server Get started link does not work in oracle 11g server oracle oracle

Get started link does not work in oracle 11g server

Simple solution:

You need to directly tell where your http port is. To do so; open up the folder where your Oracle is stored and navigate to server folder( in my case C:\Oracle\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server) in that folder right click to Get_Started file and choose properties. There you can hand type your http port which is usually 8080 in my case: ....

The problem should be solved.

Hope this helps you get through it..

Pinar U.S.

You can directly go to and you will get Home Page Of your Oracle Database

Or you can make a new shortcut icon and set it's url to the previous link

This is what worked for me on Windows 8.1 with Update 1, 64-bit:

Create a SYSTEM level Environment variable named HTTPPORT with a value of 8080.Reboot.Click the Get Started link and this time it will work because it can resolve %HTTPPORT%.