Getting project root in Liquibase sql changeset Getting project root in Liquibase sql changeset oracle oracle

Getting project root in Liquibase sql changeset

As example what work for me: i'va put this argument on command line as reference for the master changelog


and in the master file

<include file="./changes/db.changelog-ddl-.....xml" relativeToChangelogFile="true"/>

It will be the same for sql file in changeset - they will be referenced relative to the .xml

What about setting up a directory object in oracle in advance and then use symbolic linking on OS level. Depending on your exact requirements you can use symbolic linking on directory level, or you can even directly link the files into the oracle directory, so that Oracle can see files from many different directories at once in the directory object. They need to have different filenames then. I have not tried this idea, but I guess this approach is what I would try out first. HTH KR

Liquibase supports properties in changelogs that can be set in various ways - more information:

Here is a snippet of that documentation:

Liquibase allows dynamic substitution of parameters in a changelog. The parameters to replace are described using the ${} syntax.
Parameter values are looked up in the following order:

  • Passed as a parameter to your Liquibase runner (see Ant, command_line, etc. documentation for how to pass them)
  • As a JVM system property In the parameters block ( Tag) of the DatabaseChangeLog file itself.

Example of how could be used:

<databaseChangeLog    xmlns=""    xmlns:xsi=""    xmlns:ext=""    xsi:schemaLocation=""><property name="clob.type" value="clob" dbms="oracle"/><property name="clob.type" value="longtext" dbms="mysql"/><changeSet id="1" author="joe">     <createTable tableName="table1">         <column name="id" type="int"/>         <column name="${columnname}" type="varchar(20)"/>     </createTable></changeSet>

easily you can set file path inside SQL change-set via a property while property value passed with JVM or Build-tools.

@echo offcall Liquibase --changeLogFile=myChangeLogFile.xml update -Dcolumnname=myclm

However I think you can use ${java.class.path} without set it's value from outside.