Grails - hasMany has too many, need to limit get() results in Oracle Grails - hasMany has too many, need to limit get() results in Oracle oracle oracle

Grails - hasMany has too many, need to limit get() results in Oracle

When you load the Publisher, the books don't get loaded until you access the books collection - it's lazily loaded on-demand for exactly this reason. If you want to retrieve a few of the Publisher's books, use a query, e.g.

def publisherInstance = Publisher.get( offset = ...def books = Book.findAllByPublisher(publisherInstance, [max: 10, offset: offset])

and to select the correct page, calculate offset from the pagination parameters.

Instead of the dynamic finder, in general case you can use criteria:

class Book {      static belongsTo = [publisher: Publisher]}

And to get the list of 10 first books of publisher "2"

offset = 0// Get books of publisherdef queryResult = Book.createCriteria().list(max: 10, offset: offset) {                                 publisher {                    eq("id", 2)                }            }