'group by' works on MySQL, but not Oracle 'group by' works on MySQL, but not Oracle oracle oracle

'group by' works on MySQL, but not Oracle

The reason you encounter the ORA error is because MySQL supports non-standard GROUP BY clauses, calling it a "feature". It's documented here.

The standard SQL GROUP BY clause must include ALL columns specified in the SELECT clause, that are not wrapped in aggregate functions (LIKE COUNT, MAX/MIN, etc), to be specified in the GROUP BY clause.

If you want one, unique row per http_session_id value - look at using ROW_NUMBER:

SELECT x.*  FROM (select http_session_id, unique_row_id, page_name, page_hit_timestamp,               ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY http_session_id                                       ORDER BY http_session_id) AS rank          FROM page_hits) x WHERE x.rank = 1

Would this work:

select max(unique_row_id), http_session_idfrom page_hitsgroup by http_session_id

Incidentally; what does my sql return in your resultset for columsn that are included in the resultset but not in the group by clause? (page_name, page_hit_timestamp)

I think that a GROUP BY requires a variable to have been used in a WHERE clause or aggregation function in the SQL standard?

Try using SELECT MAX(unique_row_id) GROUP BY http_session_id.