hibernate - how to set auto increment in both mysql and oracle databases? hibernate - how to set auto increment in both mysql and oracle databases? oracle oracle

hibernate - how to set auto increment in both mysql and oracle databases?

1: If you define your own generator, your have to use the generator attribute in @GeneratedValue. And if you have created your own sequence you have to define the name with sequenceName otherwise hibernate will create one for you.

@SequenceGenerator(name="some_gen", sequenceName="Emp_Seq")@GeneratedValue(generator="some_gen")

2:The most flexible (and portable) way is to use the TABLE strategy


or more explicit

@GeneratedValue(generator="some_gen")@TableGenerator(name="some_gen",    table="ID_GEN",    pkColumnName="GEN_NAME",    valueColumnName="GEN_VAL")

This will generate (if schema generation is enabled) a table ID_GEN with the columns GEN_NAME, GEN_VALUE, if schema generation is not available you have to create this table on your own.

You find more complete information from hibernate docs here: http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/4.3/manual/en-US/html/ch05.html#mapping-declaration-id-generator