How can I configure Grails id columns to use UUID on Oracle? How can I configure Grails id columns to use UUID on Oracle? oracle oracle

How can I configure Grails id columns to use UUID on Oracle?

Using UUID and RAW(16)

If you want to use a UUID in your Grails domain and a RAW(16) in your database, you'll need to add the following.

  1. For every domain, specify the id field. Here's an example using ExampleDomain.groovy

    class ExampleDomain {    UUID id}
  2. Add the following mapping to Config.groovy

    grails.gorm.default.mapping = {    id(generator: "uuid2", type: "uuid-binary", length: 16)}

    For details on the three values I've selected, please see these links.

  3. Add a custom dialect to your data source entry in Datasource.groovy. If you are using Hibernate 4.0.0.CR5 or higher, you can skip this step.

    dataSource {    // Other configuration values removed for brevity    dialect = com.example.hibernate.dialect.BinaryAwareOracle10gDialect}
  4. Implement the custom dialect you referenced in step #3. Here is BinaryAwareOracle10gDialect implemented in Java. If you are using Hibernate 4.0.0.CR5 or higher, you can skip this step.

    package com.example.hibernate.dialect;import java.sql.Types;import org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect;public class BinaryAwareOracle10gDialect extends Oracle10gDialect {    @Override    protected void registerLargeObjectTypeMappings() {        super.registerLargeObjectTypeMappings();        registerColumnType(Types.BINARY, 2000, "raw($l)");        registerColumnType(Types.BINARY, "long raw");    }}

    For more information about this change, please see the related Hibernate defect

Using UUID and VARCHAR2(36)

If you want to use a UUID in your Grails domain and a VARCHAR2(36) in your database, you'll need to add the following.

  1. For every domain, specify the id field. Here's an example using ExampleDomain.groovy.

    class ExampleDomain {    UUID id}
  2. Add the following mapping to Config.groovy

    grails.gorm.default.mapping = {    id(generator: "uuid2", type: "uuid-char", length: 36)}

    For details on the three values, please see the links in step #2 from the previous section.

I think there is a easy way:

String id = UUID.randomUUID().toString()static mapping = {    id generator:'assigned'}