How can I use oracle merge statement using Mybatis? How can I use oracle merge statement using Mybatis? oracle oracle

How can I use oracle merge statement using Mybatis?

Call the merge as below:-

<update id="exceMerge" parameterType="hashmap">        MERGE INTO USERS U USING DUAL ON (U.PROPERTY_NAME=#{prop_name})         WHEN MATCHED THEN         UPDATE SET U.PROPERTYVALUE=#{prop_value}, U.MESSAGE=#{message,javaType=String,jdbcType=CLOB}        WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN         INSERT(PROPERTY_NAME, PROPERTYVALUE, MESSAGE) VALUES (#{prop_name},#{prop_value},#{message,javaType=String,jdbcType=CLOB})</update>

I'd suggest using a stored procedure, although you may also try just pasting your code into <update> tag.

Calling stored procedures in MyBatis is easy, after you define a procedure in your DB simply follow this example.

Note that in case where your procedure doesn't return any parameters, the procedure call should be in <update> tag (instead of <select>, as in example).