How to avoid storing credentials to connect to Oracle with JDBC? How to avoid storing credentials to connect to Oracle with JDBC? oracle oracle

How to avoid storing credentials to connect to Oracle with JDBC?

You may want to try Kerberos which can use the OS user's credentials and adding the OS user to the database as identified externally. Make sure that you use Kerberos and not the old way of doing this, which had serious security issues.

For Kerberos support you would need the advanced security option and a recent JDBC driver, probably 11g version. Before trying to get it to work in Java, try it out in Sql*Plus using '/' as username and empty password. "select user from dual" should give you user@domain. You may also find that there is a fundamental difference between using thin or OCI driver when it comes to Kerberos configuration.

You definitely don't want to be able to connect to the database without credentials because that makes the database vulnerable.

This is a general problem, how do I store credentials needed to access external systems? WebLogic has a credential mapper to solve this problem, in which credentials (encrypted) are stored in embedded LDAP. Many Oracle products use a credential store facility that stores credentials in Oracle wallet.

In the question, you provided the answer. Store the password encrypted and decrypt when you need it. Obviously you have to use symmetric encryption algorithm such as 3DES so you can decrypt it. Make sure the symmetric key is not something that can be guessed.

The trick is where you keep the symmetric key needed for en/de-cryption. You can put it in a file that is secured through the OS or you can keep it in the code, but then you need to keep the code secure. You can also generate the key if you use a technique that will produce the same key and the algorithm is reasonably secure.

If you can keep the code secure you can obviously keep the password in the code as well. However, you want the flexibility of being able to change the credentials without changing the code.

You can add more layers to this solution as well. You can encrypt the configuration file (with a different key) as well as the password inside it making the hacker discover 2 keys. There are other even more secure methods using PKI, but they get hard to set up.

I'd suggest you look into proxy authentication. This is documented in the Oracle® Database Security Guide, as well as the Oracle® Database JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference. Essentially what this allows you to do is have a user in the database that ONLY has connect privileges. The users real database accounts are configured to be able connect as the proxy user. Your application connecting through JDBC then stores the proxy username and password, and when connecting provides these credentials, PLUS the username of the real database user in the connect string. Oracle connects as the proxy user, and then mimics the real database user, inheriting the database privileges of the real user.