How to check if cursor returns any records in oracle? How to check if cursor returns any records in oracle? oracle oracle

How to check if cursor returns any records in oracle?

It's not possible to check if the cursor returns records without opening it.
(see here)
So you can either have some fast query just to see if there are records (using count for example),

Or, you can do it like this:

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE SP_EMPLOYEE_LOOKUP_BY_EMP_ID(      IN_USER_ID IN NUMBER,       IN_EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER,      IN_HC_AS_ON_DATE VARCHAR2,      emp_cursor OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) IS  is_found_rec boolean := false;     CURSOR employees IS     SELECT  * FROM EMPLOYEE e; BEGIN     FOR employee IN employees  LOOP      is_found_rec := true;        // do something    END LOOP;  if not is_found_rec then      // do something else  end if;END;

I think that it possible only with FETCH. Try to use

if myCursor%found then// some bodyend if;

But if somebody know another way so correct me.

I like this way:

DECLARE    CURSOR my_cur    IS    SELECT 'a' AS a FROM DUAL WHERE 1=1;    my_rec my_cur%rowtype;BEGIN    OPEN my_cur;    LOOP        FETCH my_cur INTO my_rec;        IF my_cur%NOTFOUND        THEN            IF my_cur%ROWCOUNT=0            THEN                -- do stuff when cursor empty                DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('NOTFOUND,RC=0' || '_' || my_cur%ROWCOUNT || '_' || my_rec.a);            END IF;            EXIT;        ELSE                -- do stuff when cursor not empty            DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('FOUND,RC>0' || '_' || my_cur%ROWCOUNT || '_' || my_rec.a);        END IF;    END LOOP;    CLOSE MY_CUR;END;

Output when cursor is 1=1 (not empty):


Output when cursor is 1=0 (empty):