How to compile additional source files in cmake after the build process How to compile additional source files in cmake after the build process oracle oracle

How to compile additional source files in cmake after the build process

I'm not familiar with Pro*C, but it looks like you're mixing together the two different versions of add_custom_command.

The first version add_custom_command(OUTPUT ...) is used to generate a file which is then added as a dependency of another CMake target. When that target is built, the custom command is executed first in order to generate the output file.

The second version add_custom_command(TARGET ...) is used to define a pre-build, pre-link or post-build command; one which does not necessarily create a file, but which executes in conjunction with building the associated target.

If you only have one target which depends on the output of Pro*C, then the first version is probably your best bet:

add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/connection.c    COMMAND ${PROC} iname=${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/connection.proc SQLCHECK=SYNTAX        MODE=ANSI IRECLEN=255 ORECLEN=255        ONAME=${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/connection.c)add_executable(myproj ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/connection.c <other sources>)