How to get Key Value as resultset from Oracle JSON column using JSON_TABLE How to get Key Value as resultset from Oracle JSON column using JSON_TABLE oracle oracle

How to get Key Value as resultset from Oracle JSON column using JSON_TABLE

Try this:

declare  jo JSON_OBJECT_T;  i  NUMBER;  keys JSON_KEY_LIST;  CURSOR c_json IS     SELECT myJsonCol FROM mytable;begin  FOR rec IN c_json  LOOP     jo := JSON_OBJECT_T.parse(rec.myJsonCol);     keys := jo.get_keys;     dbms_output.put_line('KEY VAL');     FOR i in 1..keys.COUNT     LOOP        dbms_output.put_line(keys(i) || ' ' || jo.get_Number(keys(i)));     END LOOP;   END LOOP;END;/

Your JSON value is a single tuple, so you could use UNPIVOT to turn it into a table of key/value pairs:

with mydata as (  select '{  "a":9.0847,  "b":859.947  }' myjsoncol  from dual), q as (  select json_value(mydata.myjsoncol, '$.a') ca        ,json_value(mydata.myjsoncol, '$.b') cb  from mydata) select * from qunpivot (val for key in (ca as 'a', cb as 'b'));KEY VAL=== =======a   9.0847b   859.947

Live SQL:

For Oracle 11g version Json manupulation is not supported. So we must use basic functions : SUBSTR / INSTR / SUBSTR

Check solution on another thread : Manipulating JSON data with SQL in Oracle