How to import oracle dump from ec2 instance to RDS in AWS How to import oracle dump from ec2 instance to RDS in AWS oracle oracle

How to import oracle dump from ec2 instance to RDS in AWS

I agree that the official document is quite confusing and not clear when it comes to Oracle import of dump file.

There is another document step by step instructions from amazon at and also a presentation at

Basically the process is :

  1. you need to transfer files to Amazon RDS DB instance - Amazon offers an already defined DATA_PUMP_DIR so you would need to have a script to move your dump files from your EC2 instance to the Amazon RDS DATA_PUMP_DIR

The following script would do the job for you

use DBI;use warnings;use strict;# RDS instance infomy $RDS_PORT=1521;my $RDS_HOST="<my rds instance>";my $RDS_LOGIN="<myuser>/*******";my $RDS_SID="<ORCL_LIKE>"; #The $ARGV[0] is a parameter you pass into the scriptmy $dirname = "DATA_PUMP_DIR";my $fname = $ARGV[0];my $data = "dummy";my $chunk = 8192;my $sql_open = "BEGIN perl_global.fh := utl_file.fopen(:dirname, :fname, 'wb', :chunk); END;";my $sql_write = "BEGIN utl_file.put_raw(perl_global.fh, :data, true); END;";my $sql_close = "BEGIN utl_file.fclose(perl_global.fh); END;";my $sql_global = "create or replace package perl_global as fh utl_file.file_type; end;";my $conn = DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:host='.$RDS_HOST.';sid='.$RDS_SID.';port='.$RDS_PORT,$RDS_LOGIN, '') || die ( $DBI::errstr . "\n");my $updated=$conn->do($sql_global);my $stmt = $conn->prepare ($sql_open);$stmt->bind_param_inout(":dirname", \$dirname, 12);$stmt->bind_param_inout(":fname", \$fname, 12);$stmt->bind_param_inout(":chunk", \$chunk, 4);$stmt->execute() || die ( $DBI::errstr . "\n");open (INF, $fname) || die "\nCan't open $fname for reading: $!\n";binmode(INF);$stmt = $conn->prepare ($sql_write);my %attrib = ('ora_type','24');my $val=1;while ($val> 0) {  $val = read (INF, $data, $chunk);  $stmt->bind_param(":data", $data , \%attrib);  $stmt->execute() || die ( $DBI::errstr . "\n") ; };die "Problem copying: $!\n" if $!;close INF || die "Can't close $fname: $!\n";  $stmt = $conn->prepare ($sql_close);$stmt->execute() || die ( $DBI::errstr . "\n") ;

make sure all your files are imported

  1. Import your data from dump files to your RDS instance

you can run impdp or you can submit a job using PL/SQL script

declare  h1    NUMBER;begin  h1 := (operation => 'IMPORT', job_mode => 'FULL', job_name => 'IMPORT_DUMP', version => 'COMPATIBLE');  dbms_datapump.add_file(handle => h1, filename => 'IMPORT.LOG', directory => 'DATA_PUMP_DIR', filetype => DBMS_DATAPUMP.KU$_FILE_TYPE_LOG_FILE);  -- optional   dbms_datapump.set_parallel(handle => h1, degree => 8);  dbms_datapump.add_file(handle => h1, filename => 'IMPORT.LOG', directory => 'DATA_PUMP_DIR', filetype => 3);  dbms_datapump.set_parameter(handle => h1, name => 'KEEP_MASTER', value => 0);  dbms_datapump.add_file(handle => h1, filename => 'HOST_01.dmp', directory => 'DATA_PUMP_DIR', filetype => DBMS_DATAPUMP.KU$_FILE_TYPE_DUMP_FILE);  <repeat the add_file for all your files>  dbms_datapump.set_parameter(handle => h1, name => 'INCLUDE_METADATA', value => 1);  dbms_datapump.set_parameter(handle => h1, name => 'DATA_ACCESS_METHOD', value => 'AUTOMATIC');  dbms_datapump.set_parameter(handle => h1, name => 'REUSE_DATAFILES', value => 0);  dbms_datapump.set_parameter(handle => h1, name => 'SKIP_UNSUSABLE_INDEXES', value => 0);  dbms_datapump.start_job(handle => h1, skip_current => 0, abort_step => 0);  dbms_datapump.detach(handle => h1);end;/

The import is done and data available into your RDS db. you can clean your files from the DATA_PUMP_DIR, the following script would do the job

-- remove file from data pump dirbeginutl_file.fremove ('DATA_PUMP_DIR','import.log');utl_file.fremove ('DATA_PUMP_DIR','<name of file>.dmp');end fremove;/