How to parse comma delimited string in PL/SQL? [duplicate] How to parse comma delimited string in PL/SQL? [duplicate] oracle oracle

How to parse comma delimited string in PL/SQL? [duplicate]

If you are on Oracle 10G or 11G then you should have a built-in Apex function apex_util.string_to_table:

SQL> declare  2    v_array apex_application_global.vc_arr2;  3    v_string varchar2(2000);  4  begin  5    6    -- Convert delimited string to array  7    v_array := apex_util.string_to_table('alpha,beta,gamma,delta', ',');  8    for i in 1..v_array.count  9    loop 10      dbms_output.put_line(v_array(i)); 11    end loop; 12   13    -- Convert array to delimited string 14    v_string := apex_util.table_to_string(v_array,'|'); 15    dbms_output.put_line(v_string); 16  end; 17  /alphabetagammadeltaalpha|beta|gamma|deltaPL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Oracle 11g:

SELECT   num_value  FROM   (    SELECT   TRIM (REGEXP_SUBSTR (num_csv,                                            '[^,]+',                                            1,                                            LEVEL))                          num_value                FROM   (    SELECT   '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10' num_csv FROM DUAL)          CONNECT BY   LEVEL <= regexp_count (num_csv, ',', 1) + 1) WHERE   num_value IS NOT NULL

It is briefliy , simple example following:

declare  string_to_parse varchar2(2000) := 'abc,def,ghi,klmno,pqrst';  l_count number;  l_value   varchar2(2000);begin  string_to_parse := string_to_parse||',';  l_count := length(string_to_parse) - length(replace(string_to_parse,',',''));  -- In oracle 11g use regexp_count to determine l_count  for i in 1 .. l_count loop     select regexp_substr(string_to_parse,'[^,]+',1,i)    into l_value    from dual;    dbms_output.put_line(l_value);  end loop;end;