How to purge an Advanced Queue in Oracle How to purge an Advanced Queue in Oracle oracle oracle

How to purge an Advanced Queue in Oracle

DBMS_AQADM.PURGE_QUEUE_TABLE it is equivalent for truncate table. Also look at this error message when you try truncate queue table

ORA-24005: Inappropriate utilities used to perform DDL on AQ table %s.%s *Cause:  An attempt was made to use the SQL command DROP TABLE or TRUNCATE          TABLE or ALTER TABLE on queue metadata or tables. *Action: Use the DBMS_AQADM.DROP_QUEUE_TABLE to DROP TABLE,          DBMS_AQADM.PURGE_QUEUE_TABLE to TRUNCATE TABLE.          ALTER TABLE redefinition based on only ALTER_TABLE_PROPERTIES and          ALTER_TABLE_PARTITIONING clauses are allowed.

Tom Kyte has already written info about often truncating table