How to send inline table as parameter to function that receives a table? How to send inline table as parameter to function that receives a table? oracle oracle

How to send inline table as parameter to function that receives a table?


with original_tbl as (  select    SOME_VARCHAR  from table(returning_tbl())  where SOME_VARCHAR = 'SOME_VALUE'),outside_tbl as (  select * from table(receiving_tbl( original_tbl  )))select * from outside_tbl


with original_tbl as (  select    SOME_VARCHAR  from table(returning_tbl())  where SOME_VARCHAR = 'SOME_VALUE'),outside_tbl as (  select * from table(receiving_tbl(     (select cast(collect(SOME_OBJ(SOME_VARCHAR)) as SOME_TBL) from original_tbl)  )))select * from outside_tbl

I'd like to add some simple explanation of what's happening here. But this example is so complicated I'm not sure if there's any easy lesson to learn here.