Is there such thing CASE expression in JPQL? Is there such thing CASE expression in JPQL? oracle oracle

Is there such thing CASE expression in JPQL?

It has been added in JPA 2.0


SELECT, CASE WHEN (e.salary >= 100000) THEN 1 WHEN (e.salary < 100000) THEN 2 ELSE 0 END FROM Employee e


There is certainly such thing in Hibernate so when you use Hibernate as your JPA provider then you can write your query as in this example:

    Query query = entityManager.createQuery("UPDATE MNPOperationPrintDocuments o SET o.fileDownloadCount = CASE WHEN o.fileDownloadCount IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE (o.fileDownloadCount + 1) END " +                                            " WHERE o IN (:operations)");    query.setParameter("operations", mnpOperationPrintDocumentsList);    int result = query.executeUpdate();

You can use the event listeners provided by Jpa to do something when you load one row of the db, ie:

@Entity@Table(name = "TableA")public class TableA {    @Id    @Column(name = "Field1")    private Long id;    @Column(name = "Field2")    private Long field2;    @Column(name = "Field3")    private Long field3;    // ... more associated getter and setter...    @Transient    private String field4;    @PostLoad    private void onLoad() {        if (field2 != null) {            switch (field2.intValue()) {            case 1:                field4 = "One";                break;            case 2:                field4 = "Two";                break;            default:                field4 = "Other Number";                break;            }        }    }}

(the field4 not persist in the db)

(take this like an workaround to "non implemented feature in JPA" like case statements)