Issue while running UNIX shell script from Oracle concurrent Program Issue while running UNIX shell script from Oracle concurrent Program oracle oracle

Issue while running UNIX shell script from Oracle concurrent Program

Did you happen to use an editor on a Windows system to create the script? It's puts a carriage return + line feed character at the end of every line instead of the Unix format of just having a line feed. That messes up the script execution. Unix systems usually have a command like "dos2unix" to convert the file.

If that's not it, I would try running the script manually from the command line to make sure it works.

When I tried to read the file using CAT -vt <filename>, I could see that the file contains special characters such as ^M and ^I. This may be because of the file transfer mode(but I transferred in ASCII mode, still the special characters where appearing).

I opened a VI editor and pasted the same script. Save the file, tried to run the script, It was working fine.

I still didn't get how the special characters appeared. I used notepad++ as my editor.

When either VI or CAT displays specials characters, the conversion to Linux/Unix compatibility is not completely done. There's often many solutions, maybe Notepad++ is the cause here. Maybe not. Writing scripts on the OS itself, is not only faster (no need for FTP, which is already a big plus), but you don't have to face these annoying control-M characters. The ASCII conversion sometimes fails. You can also try another FTP program. Or avoid it all togheter, as mentioned above.