Liquibase update error Liquibase update error oracle oracle

Liquibase update error

if your DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK is empty, the error will always appear. (I had this problem after accidentally remove the records of this table).

The solution I found was simple:

just insert a dummy row with ID=1, LOCKED=0, LOCKGRANTED=null, LOCKEDBY=null

That's it!

We have experienced a problem with the same core exception when trying to use liquibase using postgresql 10.4:

Caused by: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: Expected single row from liquibase.statement.core.GetViewDefinitionStatement@1de5f25 but got 0`

It seemed that for us it was a problem with our jdbc driver.

The solution for us was to upgrade the jdbc driver from 9.3-1102-jdbc41 to 9.4-1202-jdbc41.