"Missing ( keyword" When create table with column identity in Oracle12c "Missing ( keyword" When create table with column identity in Oracle12c oracle oracle

"Missing ( keyword" When create table with column identity in Oracle12c

The "generated as identity" feature works on or after Oracle 12c.

Prior to Oracle 12c:

create table t1 (    c1 NUMBER,    c2 VARCHAR2(10)    );create sequence   t1_seq  increment by 1  start with 1;Insert into   t1values   (t1_seq.nextval, 'ABC');

In or After Oracle 12c:

create table ABC.t1 (    c1 NUMBER GENERATED ALWAYS as IDENTITY ( START with 1 INCREMENT by 1 ),    c2 VARCHAR2(10)    );Insert into   t1values   ('ABC');

So, your statement will only work on 12c or later.