Not REGEXP_LIKE in Oracle Not REGEXP_LIKE in Oracle oracle oracle

Not REGEXP_LIKE in Oracle

If you need to find all the rows where phone_number is not made by exactly a '+' followed by 9-13 digits, this should do the work:

select *from users where not regexp_like(phone_number, '^\+[0-9]{9,13}$')

What it does:

  • ^ the beginning of the string, to avoid things like 'XX +123456789'
  • \+ the '+'
  • [0-9]{9,13} a sequence of 9-13 digits
  • $ the end of the string, to avoid strings like '+123456789 XX'

Another way, with no regexp, could be the following:

where not (                /* strings of 10-14 chars */                length(phone_number) between 10 and 14                 /* ... whose first is a + */            and substr(phone_number, 1, 1 ) = '+'                 /* ...and that become a '+' after removing all the digits */            and nvl(translate(phone_number, 'X0123456789', 'X'), '+') = '+'           )

This could be faster than the regexp approach, even if it's based on more conditions, but I believe only a test will tell you which one is the best performing.