Optimal way to create a histogram/frequency distribution in Oracle? Optimal way to create a histogram/frequency distribution in Oracle? oracle oracle

Optimal way to create a histogram/frequency distribution in Oracle?

If your createtime were a date column, this would be trivial:


As it is, casting the createtime column isn't too hard:

select TO_CHAR(          TO_DATE('19700101', 'YYYYMMDD') + createtime / 86400000),          'DAY:HH24') AS BUCKET, COUNT(*)   FROM EVENTS  WHERE createtime between 1305504000000 and 1306108800000 group by TO_CHAR(          TO_DATE('19700101', 'YYYYMMDD') + createtime / 86400000),          'DAY:HH24')  order by 1

If, alternatively, you're looking for the fencepost values (for example, where do I go from the first decile (0-10%) to the next (11-20%), you'd do something like:

select min(createtime) over (partition by decile) as decile_start,       max(createtime) over (partition by decile) as decile_end,       decile  from (select createtime,                ntile (10) over (order by createtime asc) as decile          from events         where createtime between 1305504000000 and 1306108800000       )

I'm unfamiliar with Oracle's date functions, but I'm pretty certain there's an equivalent way of writing this Postgres statement:

select date_trunc('hour', stamp), count(*)from your_datagroup by date_trunc('hour', stamp)order by date_trunc('hour', stamp)

Pretty much the same response as Adam, but I would prefer to keep the period_start as a time field so it is easier to filter further if needed:

withevents as(    select rownum eventkey, round(dbms_random.value(1305504000000, 1306108800000)) createtime    from dual    connect by level <= 1000 )select    trunc(timestamp '1970-01-01 00:00:00' + numtodsinterval(createtime/1000, 'second'), 'HH') period_start,    count(*) numeventsfrom    eventswhere    createtime between 1305504000000 and 1306108800000group by    trunc(timestamp '1970-01-01 00:00:00' + numtodsinterval(createtime/1000, 'second'), 'HH')order by    period_start