Optimize stored procedure loop to improve performance Optimize stored procedure loop to improve performance oracle oracle

Optimize stored procedure loop to improve performance

You select data into a temp table, then copy the content of the temp table into a table. Why not select the data directly into the table?

Insert INTO ORDER_TBselect order_seq.nextval oid      ,a.pid      ,a.product_id      ,a.seq_id      ,a.value      ,b.type_id  from (select a.pid              ,a.va_id              ,a.seq_id              ,a.value              ,b.type_name          from (select a.pid                      ,b.product_id                      ,b.seq_id                      ,product_name value                  from product_table a                  join va_in_tb b                    on replace(a.product_name, '''', '') = replace(b.col_nm, '''', '')                   and a.pid between lower_limit and upper_limit                union all                select a.pid                      ,b.product_id                      ,b.seq_id                      ,price value                  from product_table a                  join va_in_tb b                    on replace(a.company_n, '''', '') = replace(b.col_nm, '''', '')                   and a.pid between lower_limit and upper_limit) a          left join va_tb b            on a.product_id = b.product_id) a  left join va_tb b    on a.type_name = b.product_name

Please see below how you can use collection to achieve your goal. Reason i asked at the beginning if your code is working fine or not coz i see many errors and in any case it will not run. I haven't tested the code as I can see you posted only a part of your code and also many things are pretty not clear. My code is just to give a snippet which you can implement.

 Declare    REC_COUNT number;    Loop_CT   number;    LOWER_LIMIT number;    UPPER_LIMIT number;      Cursor cur_rec (LWR_LMT number,UPR_LMT number)  is        /******Assuming all your joins are working fine ..However it doesnot look so from the code your posted. ***/            SELECT  ORDER_SEQ.NEXTVAL OID,                     A.PID,                     A.PRODUCT_ID,                     A.SEQ_ID,                     A.VALUE,                     B.TYPE_ID              FROM                  (                  SELECT  A.PID,                        A.VA_ID,                        A.SEQ_ID,                        A.VALUE,                        B.TYPE_NAME                 FROM                    (                    select  A.PID,                             B.PRODUCT_ID,                            B.SEQ_ID,                             PRODUCT_NAME VALUE                     from PRODUCT_TABLE A                     JOIN VA_IN_TB B                         ON REPLACE(A.PRODUCT_NAME,'''','')= REPLACE(B.PRODUCT_NAME,'''','')                                             AND A.PID BETWEEN LWR_LMT AND UPR_LMT                    union all                    select  A.PID,                            B.PRODUCT_ID,                            B.SEQ_ID,                             PRICE VALUE                     from PRODUCT_TABLE A                     JOIN VA_IN_TB B                         ON REPLACE(A.COMPANY_NM,'''','')=REPLACE(B.PRODUCT_NAME,'''','') ----Seems Not correct.                        AND A.PID BETWEEN LWR_LMT AND UPR_LMT                    ) A                LEFT JOIN VA_TB B                     ON A.PRODUCT_ID = B.PRODUCT_ID                ) A              LEFT JOIN VA_TB B                 ON A.TYPE_NAME = B.PRODUCT_NAME ;  ----Seems Not correct.    type var is table of cur_rec%rowtype;    var_order_tab var;    begin    /**Procedure will fail if you try to do anything like this**/    ---REC_COUNT:= SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PRODUCT_TABLE;     SELECT COUNT(*)      into  REC_COUNT      FROM PRODUCT_TABLE;     Loop_CT :=( REC_COUNT/2000000)+1;     SELECT MIN(PID)      INTO LOWER_LIMIT      FROM PRODUCT_TABLE;     UPPER_LIMIT := LOWER_LIMIT +2000000;     Open cur_rec(LOWER_LIMIT,UPPER_LIMIT);     loop     fetch cur_rec bulk collect into var_order_tab limit 100;     FORALL i IN 1 .. var_order_tab.count           INSERT INTO ORDER_TB          VALUES var_order_tab(i);     commit;     end loop;   close cur_rec ;     /**** You cannot create any table like this in any procedure. This is not allowed in PLSQL.     FOR i in 1..LOOP_COUNT LOOP     Create Table Temp_1 Nologging as     SELECT  ORDER_SEQ.NEXTVAL OID,            A.PID,A.PRODUCT_ID,            A.SEQ_ID,            A.VALUE,            B.TYPE_ID     FROM         (        SELECT  A.PID,                A.VA_ID,                A.SEQ_ID,                A.VALUE,                B.TYPE_NAME         FROM            (            select  A.PID,                     B.PRODUCT_ID,                    B.SEQ_ID,                     PRODUCT_NAME VALUE             from PRODUCT_TABLE A             JOIN VA_IN_TB B                 ON REPLACE(A.PRODUCT_NAME,'''','')=REPLACE(B.COL_NM,'''','')                 AND A.PID BETWEEN LOWER_LIMIT AND UPPER_LIMIT            union all            select  A.PID,                    B.PRODUCT_ID,                    B.SEQ_ID,                     PRICE VALUE             from PRODUCT_TABLE A             JOIN VA_IN_TB B                 ON REPLACE(A.COMPANY_N,'''','')=REPLACE(B.COL_NM,'''','')                AND A.PID BETWEEN LOWER_LIMIT AND UPPER_LIMIT            ) A         LEFT JOIN VA_TB B             ON A.PRODUCT_ID=B.PRODUCT_ID        ) A     LEFT JOIN VA_TB B         ON A.TYPE_NAME=B.PRODUCT_NAME ****/    --Insert INTO ORDER_TB    --SELECT * FROM TEMP_1;    --Commit;    /****Neither executing drop command directly is permitted***/    --DROP TABLE TEMP_1;    LOWER_LIMIT := UPPER_LIMIT + 1;    UPPER_LIMIT := UPPER_LIMIT + 2000000;    --End LOOP;    end;