Oracle 11g: Confounding constraint Oracle 11g: Confounding constraint oracle oracle

Oracle 11g: Confounding constraint

There is an Oracle built-in solution for that. You could use the EXCEPTIONS clause of the ALTER TABLE:

  -- parent table  create table t1 (col1 number primary key);  insert into t1 values (1);  insert into t1 values (2);  insert into t1 values (3);  commit;  -- child table  create table t2 (col1 number);  insert into t2 values (1);  insert into t2 values (2);  insert into t2 values (3);  insert into t2 values (4); -- bad data  commit;  -- You create a table for the exceptions  create table excepts  (row_id rowid,                         owner varchar2(30),                         table_name varchar2(30),                         constraint varchar2(30));  -- you still get error  alter table t2 add constraint f2 foreign key (col1) references t1  exceptions into excepts ;  -- but bad data will be here  -- please notice its 'ROW_ID' from the second table  select t2.*  from  t2,        excepts   where t2.rowid = excepts.row_id;