Oracle create trigger error (bad bind variable) Oracle create trigger error (bad bind variable) oracle oracle

Oracle create trigger error (bad bind variable)

It seems like the error code is telling you there's no such column ID in your table...

Somehow your environment is treating your code as SQL instead of a DDL statement. This works for me (running in sqlplus.exe from a command prompt):

SQL> create sequence mytable_seq;Sequence created.SQL> create table mytable (id number);Table created.SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER MYTABLE_TRG  2  BEFORE INSERT ON MYTABLE  3  FOR EACH ROW  4  BEGIN  5   select MYTABLE_SEQ.nextval into from dual;  6  END;  7  /Trigger created.

Note the trailing "/" - this might be important in the application you are compiling this with.

if one would use proper naming convention the spotting of this type of errors would be much easier ( where proper means using pre- and postfixes ) for generic object names hinting about their purpose better i.e. something like this would have spotted the correct answer

  --START -- CREATE A SEQUENCE  /*  create table "TBL_NAME" (     "TBL_NAME_ID"      number(19,0) NOT NULL     , ...   */    --------------------------------------------------------  --  drop the sequence if it exists  -- select * from user_sequences ;   --------------------------------------------------------  declare     c int;  begin     select count(*) into c from user_sequences       where SEQUENCE_NAME = upper('SEQ_TBL_NAME');     if c = 1 then        execute immediate 'DROP SEQUENCE SEQ_TBL_NAME';     end if;  end;  /  CREATE SEQUENCE  "SEQ_TBL_NAME"    MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 999999999999999999999999999   INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1   CACHE 20 NOORDER  NOCYCLE ;  -- CREATE    CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "TRG_TBL_NAME"   BEFORE INSERT  ON "TBL_NAME"  REFERENCING NEW AS New OLD AS Old  FOR EACH ROW  DECLARE  tmpVar NUMBER;  BEGIN     tmpVar := 1 ;     SELECT SEQ_TBL_NAME.NEXTVAL INTO tmpVar FROM dual;     :NEW.TBL_NAME_ID := tmpVar;  END TRG_TBL_NAME;   /  ALTER TRIGGER "TRG_TBL_NAME" ENABLE;  -- STOP  -- CREATE THE TRIGGER