Oracle: Creating view across schemas? Oracle: Creating view across schemas? oracle oracle

Oracle: Creating view across schemas?

Do you have the grant to the other user's table directly? Or is it via a role? You will need the privilege to be granted directly in order to create an object (view, procedure, etc.) that references the other table. As a quick test, in SQL*Plus

SQL> set role none;SQL> select count(*) from otherschema.othertable;

If that fails, then the problem is that you have been granted privileges on the table via a role.

I guess you have been given select right on otherschema.othertable via a role not via a direct grant.

If this is the case, you should connect as otheruser and then do a grant select on othertable to <your-schema>.

I believe that your DBA will need to grant you

create any view

privilege. Depending on the security restrictions at your site they may or not allow this. I typically do not