Oracle DDL export Oracle DDL export oracle oracle

Oracle DDL export

You can use the DBMS_METADATA package along with the data dictionary to generate the DDL for your objects. For example, to generate the DDL for every table in a schema

declare  l_ddl clob;begin  for t in (select * from user_tables)  loop    l_ddl := dbms_metadata.get_ddl( 'TABLE', t.table_name, USER );    <<do something with l_ddl>>  end loop;end;

Are you sure that it makes sense to test with a completely different database than what you're really going to deploy to? Even if you translate the DDL to the closest analogue, it seems very likely that you'll get different results for some tests depending on the database you're connected to. Are you sure that you can't install Oracle (potentially Oracle XE if your concerns are primarily about licensing) on the developer's machines?

There are quite a few products that can help.


Commercial with free trial:

If you use a tool that is generally designed for use with Oracle databases only, you may get quite a lot of non-standard Oracle DDL that needs converting. A cross platform tool is more likely to reduce the work.

When HSQLDB is used in the ORA compatibility mode, it can translate some Oracle types in the DDL to a similar SQL Standard type. So the types may not pose a problem.

One open source inactive project do exact same thing.