Oracle Equivalent to MySQL INSERT IGNORE? Oracle Equivalent to MySQL INSERT IGNORE? oracle oracle

Oracle Equivalent to MySQL INSERT IGNORE?

Check out the MERGE statement. This should do what you want - it's the WHEN NOT MATCHED clause that will do this.

Do to Oracle's lack of support for a true VALUES() clause the syntax for a single record with fixed values is pretty clumsy though:

MERGE INTO your_table ytUSING (   SELECT 42 as the_pk_value,           'some_value' as some_column   FROM dual) t on ( = t.the_pke_value) WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN    INSERT (pk, the_column)   VALUES (t.the_pk_value, t.some_column);

A different approach (if you are e.g. doing bulk loading from a different table) is to use the "Error logging" facility of Oracle. The statement would look like this:

 INSERT INTO your_table (col1, col2, col3) SELECT c1, c2, c3 FROM staging_table LOG ERRORS INTO errlog ('some comment') REJECT LIMIT UNLIMITED;

Afterwards all rows that would have thrown an error are available in the table errlog. You need to create that errlog table (or whatever name you choose) manually before running the insert using DBMS_ERRLOG.CREATE_ERROR_LOG.

See the manual for details

If you're on 11g you can use the hint IGNORE_ROW_ON_DUPKEY_INDEX:

SQL> create table my_table(a number, constraint my_table_pk primary key (a));Table created.SQL> insert /*+ ignore_row_on_dupkey_index(my_table, my_table_pk) */  2  into my_table  3  select 1 from dual  4  union all  5  select 1 from dual;1 row created.

I don't think there is but to save time you can attempt the insert and ignore the inevitable error:

begin   insert into table_a( col1, col2, col3 )   values ( 1, 2, 3 );   exception when dup_val_on_index then       null;end;/

This will only ignore exceptions raised specifically by duplicate primary key or unique key constraints; everything else will be raised as normal.

If you don't want to do this then you have to select from the table first, which isn't really that efficient.