Oracle: find index creation date from systables/information_schema? Oracle: find index creation date from systables/information_schema? oracle oracle

Oracle: find index creation date from systables/information_schema?

Query DBA_OBJECTS or ALL_OBJECTS for the creation date:

select created from dba_objects where object_type = 'INDEX' and object_name='XXX';

More about it here:

Query all_objects or dba_objects to get info on your indexes.

This should work to get index DDL:

select dbms_metadata.get_ddl('INDEX','DEPT_IDX','SCOTT') from dual;

Building on both responses (I wanted to mark both as best answer), this gets DDL for all indices:

select '/*' || created || '*/' || dbms_metadata.get_ddl('INDEX',object_name) from dba_objects where object_type = 'INDEX' order by created, object_name;