Oracle hierarchical query on non-hierarchical data Oracle hierarchical query on non-hierarchical data oracle oracle

Oracle hierarchical query on non-hierarchical data

What is your expected maximum depth to reach any child node?

If it's relatively small, you could loop down, while checking for nodes you have already visited, in a manner something like this...

(Note, I'm not an Oracle expert so this is closer to pseudo code with a little real SQL mixed in)

CREATE TABLE myMap (parent INT, child INT);INSERT INTO myTable SELECT NULL, 2 FROM DUAL;WHILE (SQL%ROWCOUNT > 0)LOOP  INSERT INTO    myMap  SELECT DISTINCT    dataMap.parent,    dataMap.child  FROM    myMap  INNER JOIN    dataMap      ON myMap.child = dataMap.parent  WHERE    NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM myMap WHERE parent = dataMap.parent)END LOOP;

Depending on performance, you may also want a depth field in myMap; optimising the join so as to only join on the most recent nodes. This would imply two indexes; one for the JOIN (depth) and one for the NOT EXISTS (parent).


Added the DISTINCT key word, to avoid the following case...
- Node 2 maps to 3 and 4
- Nodes 3 and 4 both map to node 5
- All children of node 5 would now be processed twice

GROUP BY, or many other options, can be used to cater for this instead of DISTINCT. It's just that the NOT EXISTS on it's own is not sufficient.

I have not worked with this myself, but what about a CONNECT BY with the NOCYCLE option? That should stop travering the tree when it sees a loop. Oracle 11i definitely has that, I think it came in somewhere in the Oracle 10g period.

This might help until visited exceeds 4000 bytes. Cycles should not be possible but the line is there just as an example.

   WITH descendants(node, lvl, pth, visited) AS    (    SELECT child node, 1, cast(child as varchar2(4000)), '/'||listagg(child,'/') within group (order by child) over()||'/'      FROM t      where parent = 2     UNION ALL    SELECT child, lvl+1, pth||'/'||child, D.visited||listagg(child,'/') within group (order by child) over()||'/'      FROM T     INNER JOIN descendants D        ON T.parent = D.node     WHERE D.visited not like '%/'||child||'/%'    )    cycle node set cyc to '1' default '0'     SELECT distinct node      FROM descendants     order by node    ;