Oracle: Is there a way to get recent SQL syntax errors? Oracle: Is there a way to get recent SQL syntax errors? oracle oracle

Oracle: Is there a way to get recent SQL syntax errors?

You can create a trigger in Oracle that will log all errors (or pretty much all - NO_DATA_FOUND is not considered an error). In the example below, any error in the schema is recorded in the TRACK_DETAIL table (error in one row, failed SQL in the next). You can make it more sophisticated with a sequence number, date/time etc.

create table track_detail (val varchar2(4000));create or replace procedure track (p_text IN VARCHAR2) IS  PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION;begin  insert into track_detail(val)  values (p_text);  commit;end;./create or replace TRIGGER log_err after servererror on schemaDECLARE  v_temp VARCHAR2(2000) := substr(dbms_utility.format_error_stack,1,2000);  v_num NUMBER;  v_sql_text ora_name_list_t;begin  v_temp := translate(v_temp,'''','"');  track(v_temp);  v_num  := ora_sql_txt(v_sql_text);  v_temp := null;  BEGIN    FOR i IN 1..v_num LOOP      v_temp := v_temp || v_sql_text(i);    END LOOP;  EXCEPTION    WHEN VALUE_ERROR THEN NULL;  END;  v_temp := translate(v_temp,''''||chr(0)||chr(10),'"');  track(v_temp);end;/

Remember to drop (or disable) the trigger when you have finished with it.

If you can enable sql tracing from the application code somehow (alter session set sql_trace=true), the statements will show up in the trace files on the database host.

You could try using something like Wireshark on the port used to connect to Oracle to see what SQL statements are being sent. Might not be the best answer--but it might get you where you need to go quicker.