Oracle LIMIT and 1000 column restriction Oracle LIMIT and 1000 column restriction oracle oracle

Oracle LIMIT and 1000 column restriction

Okay, this will perform worse than what you were planning, but my point is that you could try pagination this way:

WITH CTE AS(    ... original SQL goes here ...)SELECT A.*FROM CTE AINNER JOIN (SELECT  YourKey,                    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ...) rnum            FROM CTE) BON A.YourKey = B.YourKeyWHERE rnum BETWEEN 1 AND 10;

you cant have a view with 1000+ columns, so cheat a little.

select *  from foo f, foo2 f2 where (f.rowid, f2.rowid) in (select r, r2                                 from (select r, r2, rownum rn                                         from (select /*+ first_rows */ f.rowid r, f2.rowid r2                                                 from foo f, foo2 f2                                                where f.c1 = f2.a1                                                   and f.c2 = '1'                                                order by f.c1))                                where rn >= AAA                                  and rownum <= BBB)order by whatever;

now put any where clauses in the innermost bit (eg i put f.c1 = '1').

BBB = pagesize.AAA = start point

Is the problem pagination or just returning the first 10 rows? If it is the latter, you can do:

SELECT foo "c0",       bar "c1",       baz "c2",       ...FROM   some_tableWHERE  ... and       rownum <= 10