Oracle PLS-00103 error. How do you check for an existing record and do update or insert based on that condition? Oracle PLS-00103 error. How do you check for an existing record and do update or insert based on that condition? oracle oracle

Oracle PLS-00103 error. How do you check for an existing record and do update or insert based on that condition?

We should always use SQL whenever possible, and avoid using Pl/SQL unless it is strictly necessary. SQL statements perform faster, they usually require less typing and they are easier to get right.

Since 9i Oracle has provided MERGE, a single SQL statement which executes an "upsert" statement.

MERGE INTO frec_email tUSING (SELECT  '' as email                ,  '208254846' as FranchiseNo                , 1 as ReportID                , 165 as ID        FROM dual ) sON (s.ID = t.ID)WHEN MATCHED THEN     UPDATE SET = s.emailWHEN NOT MATCHED THEN    INSERT (t.FranchiseNo, t.Email, t.ReportID)    VALUES  (s.FranchiseNo, s.Email, s.ReportID)/

In a pl/sql block, you can do this:

update table set column=....where.....;

if SQL%ROWCOUNT = 0 THEN insert......END IF;


Use the MERGE command (also called upsert by some). Oracle's reference (with example) here.