Oracle query results pagination without TABLE FULL SCAN data access method Oracle query results pagination without TABLE FULL SCAN data access method oracle oracle

Oracle query results pagination without TABLE FULL SCAN data access method

First of all: A full table scan is not always the devil.

  1. Check at your explain plan the costs of your query without pagination
  2. Check it inside your pagination solution

Also when you do tests, try to use large tables with high values of pagination

Additional points:

  • Pagination without ordering is always dangerous because you cant be sure, in which order Oracle provide your result for your next "page" -> possible not reproducible results
  • Also in an ordered result is it possible, that a "new entry" in a page before your current "view" affects your "next page"

I except, that you like to "store" a query in DB and get the data, page by page, until something changed in the underlined data?