Oracle SQL GROUP BY "not a GROUP BY expression" help Oracle SQL GROUP BY "not a GROUP BY expression" help oracle oracle

Oracle SQL GROUP BY "not a GROUP BY expression" help

 select id, other_id, date_value, value from (   SELECT id, other_id, date_value, value,    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (partition by other_id order BY Date_Value desc) r   FROM some_table    WHERE other_id IN (1, 2, 3)  ) where r = 1

You cannot SELECT any column that is not either an aggregate or computed from only the columns used in the GROUP BY clause.

However there are three ways to do it:

  • You can use analytic functions

    SELECT id, other_id, date_value, value  FROM ( SELECT id, other_id, date_value, MAX(date_value) OVER (partition by other_id) max_date, value           FROM some_table ) WHERE max_date = date_value;
  • You can use a self join with a “greater than ” clause and detect your max this way

    SELECT, t1.other_id, t1.date_value, t1.value  FROM some_table t1  LEFT OUTER JOIN some_table t2               ON ( t1.other_id = t2.other_id AND t2.date_value > t1.date_value ) WHERE t2.other_id IS NULL
  • You can use a subquery

      WITH max AS ( SELECT other_id, MAX(date_value) FROM some_table GROUP BY other_id )SELECT id, other_id, date_value, value  FROM some_table WHERE ( other_id, date_value ) IN ( SELECT * FROM max )

Probably this is the simplest way

SELECT id, other_id, date_value, valueFROM some_tableWHERE date_value in (SELECT MAX(date_value)                     from some_table                     GROUP BY other_id                     HAVING other_id in (1,2,3));

Test the above query here